This is a flexible immigration system aimed at enabling qualified third country workers to migrate to Austria on a permanent basis. This is usually issued for 2 years. The holder of the red white red card can work for an employer or can be self employed. People who are eligible for the red white red card are :
Highly qualified persons
Skilled workers in occupations that have shortage of employee supply
Graduates of an Austrian university
Independent key employees
Start -up founders.
Sufficient number of points are required in order to receive this Red White Red Card :
Qualification – One can only receive a point if their qualification matches the job offer in the shortage occupation;
Experience – Proof of experience is required (a detailed summary of starting date, end date, and description of the job position);
German language skills – The language proficiency certificates must not be older than 5 years at the time of application for the card;
Age – Upon submission of the application, the age of the applicant will obtain points
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